xapiapps Release notes v1.5 - September 2019
Version 1.5
Unified Reporting - a new unified reporting view has been added to the system:
- Create named customized reporting views on various types of data, including Task and Pathway activity, Badge activity and Badge status.
- Share and publish your reports within the organization.
- Unified reporting of all task types, including launched packages, linked content and videos, built in assessments and group training.
- Search and filter reports, save filters for repeated use.
- Reports now do not show data associated with archived people by default.
- Skills matrix can be shared to org. structure nodes similar to the unified reports.
- Skills matrix reports can now be searched by name.
- Added more relative date options to reporting filters, such as “this week”, “last week” and “next 7 days”
- Added in more detail to CSV activity reports for storyline, rise, composica, xapilauncher.
- Added group and org. structure values to the following csv reports:
- Badge Attainment
- Badge Status
- Observation Assessment Activity
- Coach Activity
- Self Assessment Activity
- Storyline, Rise, Composica, Scorm, xapi Launcher Activity
- Existing Skills Matrix supports “publishing” (as per unified reporting) which allows the report to be shared with non org limited admins, or to specific org structure nodes.
- Updated the skills matrix report so that expired badges appear differently than missing badges for a given learner.
- Added a rollup feature to the skills matrix report settings.
Other New / Updated features
- Automation App - allow admins to set up automated pathway assignments when a badge is expiring or expires.
- My Supervisor tasks - has been reworked:
- Only tasks completed by the viewing supervisor are displayed in “completed tasks”
- Group Training sessions now display in current and completed tasks.
- Group Training sessions can be launched directly from this view.
- Tasks for archived people no longer display in this view.
- Pathways:
- A “Notify Learner” step has been added to the Learning Experience Builder to allow notifications to be sent to the learner of the pathway.
- When assigning a pathway, the people list now displays each persons groups.
- Notifications:
- Due dates for tasks can now be added in notification templates.
- A general footer signature can now be applied on all outgoing notifications.
- Notification emails now support a different “reply to” and “sender” email address.
Talk to you customer support rep. for more information about setting this up
- Notifications:
Performance / Misc Changes
- Significantly reduced time for assessment tasks to complete after sign off / submission (reduced “completing…” time)
- Improved responsive layout and navigation
- Improved the behaviour of the back button in the toolbar.
- Removed some apps from the navigation bar.
- Modified xAPI statement generation to correctly handle values containing special (unicode) characters.
- Improved support for streaming assets from content packages, which should improve performance.
- Assigned pathways will show the name of the updated authored pathway if it is changed.
- Multiple selection of pathways is now possible when adding them to a supervisor board.
- Deep linking should now be preserved if the user is redirected through a SSO process.
Bug Fixes / Improvements
- Fixed an issue which sometimes prevented the final status of a pathway being correctly marked as pass/fail based on the last marked task in the branch.
- Fixed an issue preventing delay steps from correctly showing the number of people waiting at that step in pathway overview reports.
- Fixed an issue sometimes causing stale values to remain in the cache and be served to the user for up to 10 minutes.
- Fixed an issue causing previously issued superbadges not to update to match the new definition when changed.
- Fixed a bug causing erroneous notifications to be sent to people holding badges when the badge definition is archived.
- Fixed issue with uploading Articulate Presenter packages to Launcher.
- Fixed issue where unordered lists were not showing bullet points in assessment views.
- Fixed issue where the complete list of a person’s organization structure nodes were not appearing in a skills matrix CSV download.
- Fixed skills matrix sharing so that only the creator of a report can edit / delete it.
- Fixed issue where large videos could not play in storyline and rise content
- Fixed a UI issue where selecting content to add to supervisor board bypasses the 'add to board' button and publishes without it.
- Fixed bug where unsaved changes dialog would appear after navigation was already done
- Fix an issue where archived organization structure nodes were appearing in skills matrix CSV downloads.
- Disabled CSV generation on skills matrix until report fully loads to prevent data being excluded from the CSV.
- Prevented unsaved changes dialog from appearing when duplicating an assessment
- Fixed overview reports so that it can show the correct count for unsuccessful steps