Today we're pleased to announce the release of Training Checklist for Groups.
Let's take a look at a couple of typical uses.
Group Induction
Showing a group of new hires around a facility can be a little mundane. You know the drill... here is the fire escape... This is the evacuation meeting point for Building B... In the case of a code black.....
We can't stop you having to do this, but we can get rid of all the paperwork for you.
Toolbox Meetings
In industrial settings Toolbox Meetings are often used to conduct ongoing on-the-job training.
Using Training Checklist, shift supervisors can record meeting attendance and the training topics covered. Each attendee's training record is updated with the training covered.
Classroom Training
You may have a compliance need to record what's covered in a classroom training session. Or you may need consistency from a group instructors. In this case Training Checklists can be used to ensure all the content is covered.
The xAPI content
If you use 'xapiapps' in conjunction with a Learning Record Store (LRS) you maybe wondering what statements we'll send you.
For tracking who attends we use our attendance receipe.
For the checklist responses we use the CMI.interactions that are part of the spec.
To connect xapiapps to your LRS follow the instructions in our xAPI Resources.
Keen to find out more? Shedule a call with one of our friendly training experts.