Why does Buddy Training for SOP's Work?

 Every organisation is in possession of highly valuable procedural knowledge that lets it do what it does best in a unique way. An organisation is after all the sum of the knowledge and skill contained in the persons that make up its numbers.

What is Behavior Based Safety?

When you get down to it, what does it mean to learn something? What are we trying to achieve when we train someone? When you ask people this question you generally get responses that refer to new skills and giving people a better quality of life.

How to Deliver and Plan Great Toolbox Talks

Toolbox talks, as you may already know, are a popular way to strengthen your safety training efforts. Toolbox talks bolster one of the key principles of good safety practice: clear and concise communication practices. 

The Cost of Ignoring the Forgetting Curve

Whether you've heard it explicitly said or not, retention of information is a key issue in the design and execution of a training session or training programme series. The issue of fostering retention in general is a topic of vibrant discussion among educationalists. Even in a modern context where we all have information at the tips of our fingers and simple assessment of recall is becoming less of a focus area in education as a whole, an adequate level of retention is necessary for competence and understanding to emerge.