Are Your Compliance Practices Really Ethical?

If you work in an industry that has legal compliance requirements for things like safety training, your organisation is likely to have something in place that is focused predominantly on satisfying the compliance requirement so that you can get on with doing business while avoiding any penalties that could be imposed by a state authority.

What is Behavior Based Safety?

When you get down to it, what does it mean to learn something? What are we trying to achieve when we train someone? When you ask people this question you generally get responses that refer to new skills and giving people a better quality of life.

Using Badges to Track Trainee Achievements

Training Badges

In our latest xapiapps release we've introduced badges as a fast and flexible way to record a trainees achievements and skills.

3 Technologies Set to Revolutionise your Compliance Management

Are you looking for ways to cut compliance costs, save time, and reduce risk with less work? In a world of ever increasing regulatory and compliance demands, you need every advantage you can get to manage risk efficiently.   

How to Upgrade your Compliance Management with Mobile Tech

Mobile technology has already created massive scale change in consumer markets, giving people new ways to communicate, shop, research and more.

6 Steps to More Efficient Compliance Management

For learning managers working in complex and high-risk businesses (mining, manufacturing or medical for example) the stakes are high in ensuring compliance. From exorbitant fines to the potential loss of life, the risks of not getting compliance right can be extreme. Combine this with the typical uphill battle of getting business managers to buy-in, and it can result in moving your stress levels into the red zone.So to help you mitigate your compliance risk (and stress) we’ve compiled our top 6 steps for more efficient and effective compliance management.   

Our Top Training Compliance Trends to Watch in 2015

 Having helped many of Australia's leading companies in a range of industries to increase their compliance capabilities with technology - we see first hand the rapid changes undergoing the compliance industry.